Halo Smart Glass and film is a low profile, low maintenance alternative to dusty blinds, shades and curtains. Today most homes and offices are smart home integrated so why do we need curtains, or blinds on our partitions, windows or doors? With a power consumption of less that 0.5 Watts per 1 SqFt and an operating voltage of 48V A.C Smart Glass and Smart Film uses an extremely low amount of power to function making it a perfect resolution for business owners and residential properties. The amount of electricity Smart Film requires is less than an alarm clock display and consumes 0 watts when in opaque mode.
Halo Smart Glass cuts UV rays by 98% and IR rays by 95% which excludes solar radiation in the summer while allowing, instead, the access during the winter. Alternatively, curtains, blind or shutters work primarily by reflecting and diffusing the radiation outward, often absorbing a significant share resulting in the release of heat inside the indoor environment.